September 28, 2009

I'm in India.... until 15th Nov.


Sorry that I can't type Chinese here!

I left Taiwan on 18th Sep, hard to believe that I have done so many incredible things in India!
Trekking for 4 days in Himalaya range, seeing spectacular scenery, coutless stars in the sky in Kashmir.
Took a private jeep from Srinagar to Leh for 2 days, the view outside the window is amazing.
Yesterday we hire a motorbike to the highest motorway (over 18,000 feet), it was snowy on the top. And we both suffered attitude sickness, glad I was Ok, just hard to breath when I was trying to climb to the top. 

My itinery might omit Dharamsala to save more time for learning Odissi :)

Taipei>Delhi>Srinagar, Kashmir>(2 days bus or jeep)>Leh, Ladakh///I'm here////>

Delhi>(9hrs train+4hrs bus)>DHARAMSALA>Delhi>Chennai>(20hrs train)>Bhubaneswar, Orissa (2 weeks dance lesson of Odissi)>(20hrs train)>Chennai>Kochi>Mumbai>Goa>Bangalore(Mysore)>Hong kong>Taipei 

Good luck to me :)





  • 1樓

    It's a long trip~

    Good luck to you!

    Best Wishes

  • wilkson 於 September 29, 2009 10:26 AM 回應 | 檢舉


  • 2樓

    Good luck!

  • iu8945i 於 September 29, 2009 09:41 PM 回應 | 檢舉



  • 3樓

    It's me :)

    I'm going to Orissa after several hours, it's around 20hours train, 
    departure 23:35 tonight and will be arriving tomorrow 20:25, but it's
    a waiting list ticket, hopfully I could get on!

    Plus, I'm in chennai.

  • linlinnu 於 October 2, 2009 09:59 PM 回應 | 檢舉


  • 4樓

    <<<My New Itinerary>>>

    Chennai>(20hrs train)>Bhubaneswar, Orissa (2 weeks dance lesson of 
    Odissi)>(20hrs train)>Chennai>(5hrs train)>Pondicherry>(5hrs train)
    >Chennai>(13hrs train)>Kanyakumari>(6hrs train)>Ernakulam, Kochi>(9W)
    >Mumbai>(9W)>Goa>(9W)>Bangalore>(3hrs train)>Mysore>(3hrs train)
    >Bangalore>(9W)>Hong kong>Taipei

  • linlinnu 於 October 2, 2009 10:00 PM 回應 | 檢舉


  • 5樓

    HIHI 你印度的行程也太酷了 , 自己一個人嗎? 還是跟澳洲男友 ?

  • aus0908 於 October 7, 2009 04:49 PM 回應 | 檢舉
  • only did Kashmir and Ladakh with my oz BF :P

  • 版主 於 October 8, 2009 02:56 PM 回覆


  • 6樓

    有機會要去Sri Lanka
    給我你的地址 可以送你LP

  • aus0908 於 October 7, 2009 04:50 PM 回應 | 檢舉
  • no time to Sri Lanka, have to be back to taiwan or I will be fired :( I have LP already which is my bible now :)

  • 版主 於 October 8, 2009 02:57 PM 回覆


  • 7樓

    妞妞~加油^^等你回來分享~~good luck to u ~

  • angel31 於 October 8, 2009 01:05 AM 回應 | 檢舉



    • 8樓

      Learning Odissi in Orissa now, plan to go to puri this weekend :)

    • linlinnu 於 October 8, 2009 02:58 PM 回應 | 檢舉





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