☆ Looking back at 2009...二零零九年的大回顧
原本是寫英文後來覺得大家應該會看得很無聊,所以就加上照片~想說比較有趣,大家請慢用 (空姐職業病來著...)
Published my first poetry collection
我的書在右下角:P 這裡是重慶南路的金石堂!在印度當背包客旅行了兩個月
Traveled through India for 2 months on my own
洗冷水澡,徒手用香皂和水洗衣服,睡蚊帳,在路邊用右手抓著咖哩餅吃,左手捏著小杯子喝印度奶茶,沒有行程和旅館安排的自助旅行,天曉著我有多想念那樣的自由......一個人去了這些地方 Bhubaneswar, Puri, Konark, Chennai, Mumbai, Goa Anjuna,Panaji,Colva,Benaulim), Bangalore, Mysore, Kanyakumari
這裡是南印度的Mysore! (旁邊是熱情的路人)
(和學校的男舞者們一起吃大鍋飯)這裡是東印度Orissa省的首都Bhubaneswar的Orissa Dance Academy,每年都會固定出國巡迴演出。相關文章http://www.wretch.cc/blog/linlinnu/24043187Traveled around the world with my Aussie BF
人生第一次爬山(12hrs,從半夜三四點爬到隔天下午四五點)並且成功攻頂 Mt. Agung (3142M) in Bali (印尼的巴里島)
要看我哭的原因,請看此 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/linlinnu/23766286
很驚險地on duty從奧地利飛去希臘的小島玩,過我的生日
終於去了印度的喀什米爾,人生第一次的Trekking & Camping & Riding a pony
在印度的拉達克騎重機(是他騎拉)到世界最高的公路 (5602M),人生中第一次體會高山症的症狀
阿~! 這就是我美好的2009年!
Self-help or Investment 的書不是都說內在世界創造外在世界,只要相信就辦得到!
I guess most of my friends know that I love traveling and writing!
Looking back at 2009, it was such a great year! I published my first poetry collection finally and did some traveling with my Aussie BF, or on my own. Leaving without pay for 4 months from September to December enabled me to stay in my favorite country, India for 2 months. Apart from less than 2 weeks in Kashmir and Ladakh, Northern India, I traveled through Eastern and Southern India on my own. It was like a dream, I was a real traveler who never book any hotel in advance or has no itinerary to follow, just read my thick lonely planet of India, and feel this country with my sense organs. The smell of spices, curry, hot and sweet chai (Indian milk tea), sandalwood scent, or even holy cow’s shit on the road fills my nostrills. Also, colourful India really pleases my eyes, the scene of women wearing sarees (Indian cloths) sewed with glitter pieces, white snow-capped mountains, beaches, sun-kissed desert, pink city, blue city, or golden city attracts me.
In May, it was my first time that I spent more than 10 hours climbing a mountain called Mt. Agung (3142M) in Bali, Indonesia and saw the first summer view (攻頂) in my life. Mt. Agung was a slippery volcano, so I kept slipped and sliding down on the way down. It was also the first time to go snorkeling. (or sink my face under the sea water surface) But I still have no idea how to swim.
In August, we both sat on jump seat (空姐的位子) to Greece from Vienna on Austria Airlines, had beautiful dinner on my birthday on gorgeous Mykonos island, we rode a motorbike along the sea coast and Greece's wind blowed my long hair...
In October, we went trekking and camping on the real grass land for 4 days 3 nights in Kashmir, India., it was my first time in my life again, freezing but happy (But I think little pony I rode on wasn't happy). Then we rode on the highest motorable way in the world (5602M) with our motorbike in Ladakh (Thanks God! we met a nice officer kindly allow us to go there without a permit, even we enjoyed hot chai and cookie he offered when we were back suffering high attitude syndrome)
Then, I went through Bhubaneswar, Puri, Konark, Chennai, Mumbai, Goa Anjuna,Panaji,Colva,Benaulim), Bangalore, Mysore, Kanyakumari by air, train (longest 20 hours), boat, bus on my own.
One more thing to mention, I stayed in Orissa Dance Academy for 3 weeks learning Odissi (the oldest Indian dance from BC), I felt so lucky to be there to receive the lessons of the most beautiful and elegant dance I have never seen and to be taught by professional international dancers in Orissa state where this dance came from. Although the training was tough and exhausting which is similar to physical punishment, I was sweating and was bitten by mosquito all the time, no Air-conditioned, the average temperature was around 35, I washed my cloths with my bare feet and a soap bar, fight with an army of mosquito, it was weird that I was happy totally.
Wish me and everyone has a happy 2010!