February 12, 2006

When we were together

Last night I read your mails which were sent long time ago.

Your mails really brings back memeories.
When we were together
London was extremely beautiful and romantic,
We took the train passing through London Bridge in the blue sky,
Lying on the grass in front of London Eye and taking a nap.
Dancing and got drunk at the boat party.
We saw the night view of River Thames.
Everything in London was fresh and exotic for us.

We tried to communicate in poor English, too many blanks and misunderstandings were in our conversation.
When we started to know and love each other,
we were going to go back to each other`s country. 

Your promises made to me have broken miserably.
Will be our memory just a distant memory?
I have no idea, 
But I understood that…

That kind of fanatical feeling of love would not be happened again between us.




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  • linlinnu 於 February 12, 2006 03:34 PM 回應 | email Homepage | 檢舉



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  • 阿肥 於 February 19, 2006 10:36 PM 回應 | email



    • 3樓

      Memories will forever be the best if you just keep it. =)

    • mares 於 June 14, 2006 12:18 AM 回應






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