January 6, 2006

Time goes by...


Oosumi Misaki (the middle one)was my best classmate at the language school in Lodon.
Both of us were at the same class for 9 months.
Fortunately, I met her in Tokyo in the end of 2005.
I took a flight to Tokyo as a flight attendant.
Althought I only stayed one night,
it was pretty worth to have dinner with her.
We talked about everything which was happened around us,
and shared what we do after coming back to our countries.
We had vivid memories of our classmates, especailly that Korean boy, Duke.
He was our main topic.
Otherwise, Laura, Spaniard, she has got lovely personality. When she finished her course of 6 months,
we and other classmates had a farewell dinner at the Intalian restaurant nearby the Leicester Square.
After having dinner, we hugged and said goodbye to Laura at the underground station.
Except for Duke, all of us cried. 
I do hope Laura, Duke, Misaki and I could be met one day.
That would be interesting if we meet in one of ours countries.
Meeting Misaki really brought me back those unforgettable memories.





  • 1樓


  • kktv123 於 January 18, 2006 11:53 AM 回應 | 檢舉
    • 2樓

      I've been once as an international student of EF when I was fairly 
      young as well, though it was the Boston branch instead of 
      London. I have to say, the school SUCKS! It costed me around NT 
      120,000 for a month of accomodations/meals (only lunch, and 
      they were homogenously gross every single day=_=) and summer 
      session language courses, but the dorm, the food, and all facilities 
      you can imagine plus the classroom, were unbelieveably crappy! 
      Jeees...! But I still have to say, those bunch of shit didnt ruin my 
      memories back in those days. It was one of my best experiences 
      in my life. =) All alone in a foriegn country, making friends from 
      across the world, living a life that was completely unimagineable 
      before, ALL FOR THE FIRST TIME: I can still recall why I was 
      having that laughter when browsing over my old photos. =D Thx 
      for your photos, they reminded me of those wonderful memories I 
      have had but long losted. =)

    • mares 於 June 6, 2006 10:47 PM 回應 | 檢舉



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